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About Us

Bridging the Financial Gap Between Contractors and Homeowners

Our Mission

Your business is unique, and so is our approach

With services that help you close more sales while minimizing your business expenses, you can take your business to the next level.

At Pure Finance Group, we are dedicated to revolutionizing the way contracting businesses manage their finances and grow revenue. We understand the struggles and needs of your business from the inside out, allowing us to provide solutions that truly make a difference.

We know that competitive financing programs and fast payment collection are essential for a stable revenue stream. Our goal is to seamlessly integrate ourselves as an indispensable extension of your daily operations.

Our Story

Our Growth, Your Success

Founded in 2018, Pure Finance Group emerged with a vision to revolutionize the financial landscape for home improvement businesses. What began as a local startup has launched into a thriving business, reaching new heights and expanding our footprint nationwide. Our growth story is intertwined with the success stories of the businesses we serve. Every expansion, every innovation, and every milestone is a testament to the trust our clients place in us. We are not just a service provider; we are partners in the success of home improvement businesses across the nation.

Our commitment to building strong relationships with our clients remains unwavering. We are dedicated to staying at the forefront of industry trends, continually enhancing our solutions, and ensuring that Pure Finance Group remains synonymous with excellence in financial partnership.

Why Choose Pure Finance Group?

  • 20+

    Supporting Over 20 Different Home Improvement Services and Product Segments

  • 40,000+

    Helping Over 40,000 Homeowners Afford Their Dream Project

Our Journey


Pure Finance Group Launched


First Lending Product Introduced


Expand to Operate in 13 States


Launched Integrated Payment Portal


Expanded to operate in 46 states


Implemented customer payment system within the loan platform